

01) Because their chemistry is unparalleled.
02) Because the first two letters of their names spells LoVe--it's a sign!
03) Because Logan + Veronica = sex.
04) Because we love snark.
05) Because we want to live vicariously through Veronica. .
06) Because they both know what it's like to lose a mother.
07) Because he said she's a keeper.
08) Because he broke down in her arms.
09) Because insult throwing is the new foreplay.
10) Because a long time ago, they used to be friends.
11) Because they both loved Lilly.
12) Because she helped him show the real Lilly in the memorial video.
13) Because they shared a smile after Lilly's memorial.
14) Because he thought she was hot!
15) Because she's going to play nice now.
16) Because she wouldn't take his money even though she needed it.
17) Because he's only telling her.
18) Because they kissed! And it was hot!
19) Because he punched out a cop for her.
20) Because he smiles only for her.
21) Because he protects her without a gun.
22) Because he wanted to make sure she was ok.
23) Because he gave up a weekend with cheerleaders for her!
24) Because he can't help smiling at her.
25) Because he wants to go public, but respects her wishes.
26) Because he could learn more staying with her.
27) Because secrets can be hot too.
28) Because he had her car picked up.
29) Because he ditched Dick and Beave to be with her, twice.
30) Because he planned a day on the LoVe boat.
31) Because he even had a romantic dinner prepared.
32) Because he looked so disappointed when she didn't show.
33) Because we *know* he isn't the rapist.
34) Because he's not going anywhere.
35) Because they make high school bathrooms look hot!
36) Because Backup knows what's up!
37) Because she's his sugarpuss.
38) Because he called her his girlfriend.
39) Because she took his hand.
40) Because he wanted her to trust him.
41) Because all he cares about is her.
42) Because he told her about the salt lick.
43) Because she searched for Logan's letter in Lilly's room.
44) Because she was hoping it would be him.
45) Because she believed him when he told her about Felix' murder.
46) Because she was waiting in the limo to support/comfort him.
47) Because he just wanted 5 more minutes.
48) Because he IS in love with her.
49) Because "The things guys will say to get past second base."
50) Because she came to Neptune High during summer just to see him.
51) Because she is the one person he cares about.
52) Because he's gonna miss her.
53) Because no one can pull off the forehead kiss like they can.
54) Because we have faith in a reunion.
55) Because he would have done it right.
56) Because she's his very own guardian angel.
57) Because she stormed out in a burst of professionalism.
58) Because he would never be ashamed of her, of them.
59) Because he remembers the make out session in the girls' bathroom.
60) Because he needs her.
61) Because he looks out for her.
62) Because she doesn't even need to whistle.
63) Because he's always there to save her.
64) Because they make a great team.
65) Because she doesn't want him to get killed.
66) Because she's his only hope.
67) Because she's going straight to hell for him.
68) Because she had him at ice-cold.
69) Because they have a rain-check on their hot date.
70) Because she's cute when she's jealous.
71) Because True Love did find her at the espresso machine.
72) Because Hannah was just a pale replacement of Veronica.
73) Because LoVe staking out is sexy.
74) Because he couldn't keep his eyes off her at the Sadie Hawkins dance.
75) Because OMGSWAY!
76) Because she asked him to dance.
77) Because when he dreamed about it, "I've had the time of my life" was always playing.
78) Because they couldn't keep their eyes off each other during The Dance.
79) Because knee-kicking is the new "pulling pigtails."
80) Because despite him not wanting to lose her, he helped her get into Stanford.
81) Because he looked worried about her in 'I am God.'
82) Because Veronica should cut him some slack.
83) Because he made this townie girl moan without even using his hands.
84) Because she looked in great deal of pain when asking Logan about his affair with Kendall.
85) Because he invited her to alterna-Prom.
86) Because he's sorry about the summer.
87) Because he thinks their story was epic.
88) Because he poured his heart out to her.
89) Because he chased after her.
90) Because he thinks she smells like marshmellows and promises.
91) Because he has a special smile just for her.
92) Because no one writes songs about the ones that come easy.
93) Because she doesn't want him out of her life either.
94) Because finally Veronica showed how much she truly feels about him.
95) Because when Keith tried to explain the night Haaron tried to kill Veronica, Logan looked heart broken.
96)Because he thought she gave an excellent testimony.
97) Because in her perfect fantasy, they'd end up together.
98) Because he came to her rescue, proving once again that he's her knight in shining armor.
99) Because he knows she's not a killer.
100) Because he comforted her.
101) Because he made her breakfast.
102) Because they're back.
103) Because when he's with V he could care less about Kendall.
104) Because he thinks one week away from her is like a month.
105) Because there is always hope for LoVe.
106) Because even if Veronica were the most gulible girl Logan had ever known, he'd still love her.
107) Because Jason believes that Veronica is the only one who can fill the hole in Logan's life.
108) Because Jason thinks Logan and Veronica are like two best friends in love which is really beautiful.
109) Because he is loyal and true.
110) Because even Miss Bell thinks they're star-crossed.
111) Because Jason knows behind the snarkiness is love.
112) Because they both know how it feels to be let down by one of their parents.
113) Because they both know who killed Lilly.
114) Because they love each other!
115) Because where would they be without each other.
116) Because theyve both rescued each other in more than one way.
117) Because Veronica is what keeps Logan going.
118) Because she knows they're going to be fine.
119) Because even Kendall knows it's love.
120) Because everytime he spins her around like that she falls more and more.
121) Because he's in love with her and SHE SHOULD KNOW!!
122) Because it wasn't Hannah to break Logan's heart, it was Veronica.
123) Because "Get out of my house. You have a problem with Veronica, you leave. Actually, you have a problem with Veronica, you're pretty much dead to me, so just, like, evaporate or something, I dunno. That's kind of a general invitation. If you don't like my girlfriend then... just start heading toward the rectangle with the knob."
124) Because even Rob Thomas believes there's an elemeny of destiny to their relaitionship.
125) Because Logan lives at home plate for Veronica.
126) Because when Trina revealed Logan's abuse from Aaron, Veronica looked horrified and concerned.
127) Because "Normal Rockwell wants to stop in and pain the two of them."
128) Because Logan gave her a ride to the airport.
129) Because "Ah foreplay!"
130) Because "I'm sorry. Oh I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
131) Because Veronica fell asleep on Logan's lap.
132) Because he put her in bed, and slept on the couch.
133) Because they are Entertainment Weekly's "most watchable TV couple."
134) Because he gave her his hotel key.
135) Because she is the only girl for him.
136) Because they had sweaty!bed sex.
137) Because V took her high school romance with her to college.
138) Because Logan made Veronica watch a Clint Eastwood marathoon.
139) Because she knows he's not to blame for Beaver's death.
140) Because she gave him her bag.
141) Because she said they were star-crossed lovers!
142) Because he hanged her picture up in his cell to get through the long, lonely nights.
143) Because he called her his 'girl'.
144) Because she closed early to be with him.
145) Because they are both learning.
146) Because V is trying to deal with her trust issues.
147) Because he cancelled his weekend for her.
148) Because she was looking forward to her two booty calls.
149) Because she didn't want to lose the guy she loves.
150) Because he is reformed for her.
151) Because library!sex.
152) Because she went momentarily crazy and it was going to cost her "the guy she loves."
153) Because she's not good at the trust thing, but she's trying to act unnaturally for him.
154) Because he gave up Mexico to spend the week end with her, watching incomprehensible foreign movies of three plus hours.
155) Because she couldn't wait and kissed him before they even made the stairs.
156) Because... make up sex in the library!
157) Because Keith invited him for dinner.
158) Because she's his "bobcat."
159) Because she comforted him.
160) Because she was relieved to see him at the casino.
161) Because he held her.
162) Because she took him with her on her cases.
163) Because she loves bad boys.
164) Because she invited him bowling.
165) Because "Hi honey, I'm home!"
166) Because "Girlfriend of Logan's."
167) Because "Logan. Her boyfriend."
168) Because he loves her dainty feet.
169) Because they talk about everything.
170) Because "that's my girl."
171) Because he needs her to trust him.
172) Because he wanted to make things right between them.
173) Because he bragged her up to Mercer.
174) Because he left her three messages.
175) Because he was worried about her.
176) Because he rescued her.. again!
177) Because he and Keith looked after her.
178) Because he's there for her even when she doesn't love him enough.
179) Because they both love eachother.
180) Because he wants her to be safe, even if it means being pissed at him
181) Because he is trying for her.
182) Because even after their break up, he will be there for her.
183) Because he wanted her to stay at the party so she could be safe!
184) Because she was torn over the break up.
185) Because he would get thrown in jail for her.
186) Because 6 weeks later, they're still pining for each other.
187) Because why bother with something not good, just because it's something?
188) Because Veronica knows the difference, and Logan is something good.
189) Because their eyes speak louder than any words.
190) Because their kiss was HOT.
191) Because they got back together.
192) Because they ate breakfast together.
193) Because he fed her his fry.
194) Because she wants them to see each other's 'warts', to see if they still have a connection.
195) Because she blackmailed a judge just to get some alone time with him.
196) Because he'd gladly pay for their snuggle.
197) Because she wants to get to a place with him where they can be really intimate.
198) Because she wants them to be able to be open and honest with each other.
199) Because he gave her his turn.
200) Because "still love me?" "yes."
201) Because she went to buy lingerie to please her man.
202) Because he doesn't want her to go.
203) Because she wishes she didn't have to.
204) Because he planned a fancy date.
205) Because he doesn't want her to change.
206) Because she wishes he could make the Madison thing not true.
207) Because she's not doing okay after the break-up.
208) Because he holed himself up in his bedroom for days.
208) Because he's sorry for causing her so much pain.
209) Because "I really love you, Veronica."
210) Because she's being trying not to think about the "Logan situation"
211) Because Logan is still moping and depressed.
212) Because he's "all sad about a girl"
213) Because he has Veronica as his laptop wallpaper.
214) Because even Heather can see that he still loves Veronica.
215) Because Heather dedicated a song from "a very sad boy, to a very special girl"
216) Because "People in love shouldn't break up."
217) Because she heard the dedication.
218) Because Heather is as big a fangirl as we are, and tried to tell Veronica how he felt.
219) Because he visited her in jail.
220) Because she was glad to see him.
221) Because he's still always there if she needs anything
222) Because he's warmed that cold, cold heart of hers
223) Because she warms his too.
224) Because even Wallace knows she still cares about Logan.
225) Because she didn't want to listen to Parker.
226) Because Logan wanted to make sure it was ok with her.
227) Because they're trying to be friends
228) Because despite what she says, she's not ok.
229) Because he bought her coffee.
230) Because he wanted her to be at Parker's party.
231) Because it's still hard for her to see him and Parker together.
232) Because she needed wingmen to get through the party.
233) Because she's happy that he's happy.
234) Because she got the piece of cake with his face on it.
235) Because he had to steel himself incase she brought a date.
236) Because she was pining for him.
237) Because despite kissing Piz, she was focused only on Logan.
238) Because Logan is the fettucine - and her favourite food is Italian.
239) Because they both smiled when they saw each other.
240) Because he skipped back into the elevator just to say hi.
241) Because he was waiting for her to start pulling out books.
242) Because she only feels the adrenaline with Logan.
243) Because he beat Piz up to defend her.
244) Because he went to warn her about what happened.
245) Because even Parker knows it's always been Veronica for him.
246) Because he apologized.
247) Because she went from "forever" to "it's going to take time".
248) Because he's not out of her life forever.
249) Because they understand each other.
250) Because Piz doesn't get Veronica like Logan does.
251) Because he'd hurt anyone that hurt her.
252) Because he risked his life to defend her.
253) Because fighting Logan turns her on.
254) Because a look says a thousand words.
255) Because smiles say it all.
256) Because the future is still open.
257) Because they're not over, and they never will be.
258) Because "Someday."